[GMA news] Chinese new standard GB 17625.1-2022 is mandatory from July 1st, 2024

China officially issued the new standard GB 17625.1-2022 to replace GB 17625.1-2012. This standard comes into force from July 1, 2024.

On December 29, 2022, the National Standardization Administration Committee of the State Administration of Market Administration of China issued GB 17625.1-2022 "Limits of Electromagnetic Compatibility Part 1: Limits of Electromagnetic Compatibility harmonic current irradiation (Device input current ≤ 16A per phase)", this standard will come into force on July 1, 2024, and replace GB 17625.1-2012.

The update of this standard has a major impact on mandatory product certification for household and similar appliances (07), electronic products and safety accessories (September 8), and electrical appliances. lighting (10). Since the standard was issued, the technical differences of the new standard and the requirements for certification amendments have attracted much attention from enterprises.

Some new changes of GB 17625.1-2022

1. Major technical changes

Multifunction devices 

For multi-function devices, the new standard requires that all functions of the product meet the corresponding limit requirements:

  • For products that can be independently tested for each function, each function must meet the limit requirements before the equipment can meet the standard requirements.
  • For products that cannot operate each function independently, the most stringent limit value requirements must be met under the condition that all functions are turned on at the same time, so that the equipment can meet the requirements.
  • Compared with other functions, a certain function of the equipment can be clearly regarded as the main function of the equipment. The equipment can be tested with all functions turned on at the same time, and the limit value of its main function can be used for compliance judgment. For example, a refrigerator with a TV screen on the door still has cooling as its primary function

Test conditions for television receivers

The new standard changes the test conditions of TV receivers, which is more suitable for the configuration of performance parameters of current TV sets. The changes are mainly reflected in brightness adjustment, volume adjustment, and energy-saving functions. It should be noted that this standard version change does not require supplementary testing of the product for TV receiver functions, but only supplementary testing of the TV product in the ITE state (if any).

Test conditions for information technology equipment (ITE)

Editorial changes have been made to the general test conditions for information technology equipment to make the specific requirements clearer and clearer. This clause does not involve supplementary tests for version changes.

External power supply

The external power supply (EPS) is classified in detail, and different types of power supply have different test requirements:

  • For the EPS designed for a specific type of equipment, it should be tested together with the specific type of equipment according to the specific test conditions for the equipment;
  • For EPS designed for non-specific equipment, the test shall be carried out with a load or a simulated load that is close to the performance of the equipment specified in the instructions for use, and the EPS manufacturer shall specifically indicate in the instructions for use which types of equipment can be powered, and these powered equipment The type of EPS should be classified according to the requirements of Chapter 5, and the EPS should meet the limit requirements of the corresponding classification.

2. CCC certificate version change requirements

Version change method

According to the technical resolution, television receivers (0808), personal computers and personal computer monitors (0901/0902/0903), and power adapters for information technology equipment (0907) are more affected, and the original report needs to be checked. Supplementary testing as necessary. The specific change method and requirements are as follows:

  • TV receiver: Check the original report. If the product has ITE functions (such as HDMI display function, Internet access function), supplementary testing of ITE status is required. After passing the test report, the certificate can be renewed; if there is only TV receiver function, There is no need for supplementary testing to change the version directly.
  • Personal computer and personal computer monitor: Check the original report, if the category of the power supply in the list of key components is D, then the whole machine does not need supplementary testing and directly change the version; if the category of the power supply is A, it is necessary to supplement D with the whole machine Class limit testing.
  • Power adapter: For those with a rated power of 75W and below, the enterprise shall declare that it chooses to issue a certificate according to Class A or Class D, and directly change the version without supplementary testing. For the rated power above 75W, the enterprise shall declare that it chooses to issue the certificate according to Class A or Class D, and check the original report. If there is no need to change the classification, the version can be changed directly without supplementary testing; if it is necessary to change from Class A to Class D, A supplementary test is required, and a test report can be issued after passing the test before the certificate can be renewed.
  • Other products: Change the version directly without supplementary testing

Time requirement

According to the new standard revision announcement of the CCC certification agency, enterprises need to complete the CCC certificate revision work of the new GB 17625.1-2022 standard according to the following time requirements:

  • Before June 30, 2024, the certification client can voluntarily choose new standards or old standards for certification;
  • From July 1, 2024, the new standard will be used for certification and the new standard certification will be issued, and the old standard certification will no longer be issued;
  • For products certified according to the old standard, the version change work should be completed before the end of the first follow-up inspection after the implementation date of the new standard (i.e. July 1, 2024);
  • All old standard certificates should be completed before June 30, 2025 at the latest. Certificates that have not been converted within the time limit will be suspended; certificates that have not been converted by September 30, 2025 will be revoked ;
  • For certified products that have been shipped, put on the market and no longer produced before July 1, 2024, no certificate conversion is required.
  • It should be noted that GB 17625.1-2022 "Electromagnetic Compatibility Limits Part 1: Harmonic Current Emission Limits (Equipment Each Phase Input Current ≤ 16A)" is a national mandatory standard. According to the "Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China", " According to the relevant provisions of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, from the date of implementation of the standards (that is, July 1, 2024), products that do not meet the mandatory standards shall not be produced, sold or imported, otherwise they may face penalties.

For more information, please contact Dt&C VINA via email: info@dtnc.vn or hotline: 0862.619.168

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