The Ministry of Information and Communications issued Circular No. 10/2023/TT-BTTTT on suspending the application of a number of technical regulations

On September 5, 2023, the Minister of Information and Communications issued Circular No. 10/2023/TT-BTTTT suspending the application of regulations on partial/full implementation of a number of technical regulations in Circular No. Circular No. 04/2023/TT-BTTTT dated May 31, 2023 of the Minister of Information and Communications stipulating the List of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management responsibility of the Ministry of Information and Communications. Summary content is as follows:

Stop taking effect

  1. Temporarily suspend the application of technical requirements in critical conditions with some technical regulations such as: QCVN 117:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 55:2011/BTTTT, QCVN 54:2020/BTTTT, QCVN 65: 2021 /BTTTT,... until December 31, 2023.
  2. Temporary suspension of technical regulations: QCVN 127:2021/BTTTT, QCVN 129:2021/BTTTT, QCVN 18:2022/BTTTT,... until December 31, 2023
  3. Temporarily suspend the validity of technical regulations: QCVN 41:2016/BTTTT, QCVN 16: 2018/BTTTT, QCVN 110:2017/BTTTT,... until June 30, 2024.

For regulation conformity certification and regulation conformity announcement

  1. Units are in the process of certifying conformity, declaring conformity and checking quality for products and goods specified in Article 1 of this Circular for import, production and business from the time of import, production and business. from 15/07/2023 to before the effective date of this Circular shall be applied in accordance with this Circular.
  2. Units with related products and goods in Article 1 of the Circular are not required to carry out procedures for certification of regulation conformity and declaration of conformity for technical regulations that are no longer effective.
  3. For products and goods specified in Article 1 of this Circular that have a certificate of conformity during the period of suspension of this Circular, the certificate of conformity remains valid until the end of the term. Expiry date stated on the certificate.
  4. For products and goods specified in Article 1 of this Circular, which have been certified as conformable to regulations, declared to be conformable to regulations, and inspected for quality during the period of suspension, if they continue to be produced or imported, they must be Certificate of conformity, declaration of additional conformity for technical regulations that have ceased to be effective, or must be re-certified of conformity, declaration of conformity with full technical regulations. In case of additional certificate of conformity, the term of the certificate of conformity is equal to the remaining term of the certificate already issued.

The list and contents of technical regulations cease to be effective, please refer here

For more detailed information, please contact Dt&C VINA via email: or hotline: 0862.619.168

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