[GMA News]: Taiwan BMSI proposes new certification regulations for water purifiers, UV Disinfection (Sterilization) Appliances, water heaters

To ensure the safety of consumers, the BSMI Standards, Metrology and Inspection Service and the Ministry of Economy (MOEA) plan to adjust the certification regulations for water purifiers, UV Disinfection (Sterilization) Appliances, water heaters. Two alternative conformity assessment procedures are made available for the choice of applicants, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) or Type-Approved Batch Inspection (TABI). 

Scope standards of application

No  Description of Goods  Inspection Standards Conformity Assessment Procedures

C.C.C. Code (the first 6 digits are the same as HS Code) (For reference)

Date of implementation

1 Water Filter (purifier) (inspection scope: those using filter materials to continuously filter tap water for drinking, exclusive of full house filtration. For the product requires power connection: rated voltage not
exceeding 250V AC)
1. Technical specification for water quality testing of drinking water from water filters (purifiers) commodities; 
2. For the product requires power connection: CNS 60335-1(2014) and CNS 13783-1(2013)
RPC Scheme (Modules II+III) or TABI Scheme 8421.
1 July 2024
2 UV Disinfection (Sterilization) Appliances (including handheld disinfection light, inspection scope: voltage not exceeding 250 Vac, and not defined as medical device under the “Medical Device Management Act”) 1. CNS 60335-1 (2014)
2. CNS 13783-1 (2013)
3. CNS 15592 (2012)
4. CNS 15663 (2013) Section 5 “Marking of Presence”
5. For the product with secondary lithium cells/batteries, req
Type Approval Batch Inspection (TABI)
Scheme (Module II+III) or Registration of Product Certification (RPC) Scheme
8543. 1 May 2023
3 Electric storage tank boiling water heaters
(inspection scope: rated voltage not exceeding 250V and capacity not exceeding 500L)
1. CNS 60335-1 (2014) & CNS 60335-2-15 (2014)
2. CNS 12623 (2014) Section 10.7 “Capacity of inner tank test” & 10.8 “Standardized standby loss of every 24 hours Est,24 test” , where the measured value (Est,24) shall comply with that stated in “Requirements on MEPS for electric storage tank boiling water heaters”
3. CNS 13783-1 (2013) or CNS 13803 (2003)
4. CNS 15663 (2013) Section 5 “Marking of
RPC Scheme Modules II + IV or II + V or II
+ VII or TABI Scheme
8516. 1 July 2021

* Note:

  • Module II: Type-tested in advance 
  • Module III: Conformity-to-type declaration
  • Module IV: Full Quality Management System 
  • Module V: Production Quality Management System 
  • Module VII: Factory Inspection 

Conformity assessment procedures for water purifiers, UV Disinfection (Sterilization) Appliances

1. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) Scheme (Module II + III)

Under this procedure, domestic manufacturers or importers must have their products type-tested by BSMI designated testing laboratories in advance (Module II) before applying for registration of their
products. Manufacturers or importers will also be required to ensure by declaration that all products madeat their manufacturing facilities or imported are in conformity with the prototypes submitted for type test at Module II stage, and the declaration procedure is called Module III (conformity-to-type declaration). The conformity-to-type declaration shall be drawn up by the manufacturer or the authorized local representative, declaring that the mass-produced products comply with the prototype as described in the type-test report.

Products will be allowed to use the Commodity Inspection Mark with the letter ‘R’ and the identification number given by the BSMI, after they are certified and registered with the BSMI. These products can then clear customs directly without any further inspection if not being sampled by RPC border check procedure. The RPC certificates are valid for three years.

2. Type-approved Batch Inspection (TABI) Scheme

Under this scheme, manufacturers or importers shall have their products type-tested by the BSMI or BSMI designated testing laboratories, and then file an application for type-approval with the BSMI or its branches. After manufacturers or importers have obtained a type-approval certificate, they are still required to file an application for batch inspection with the BSMI each time before their products arrive at the port of entry. The BSMI will then perform inspection with simplified procedures. A type-approval certificate is generally valid for three years.

Conformity assessment procedures for water heaters

1. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) Scheme:Modules II + IV or II + V or II+ VII

For product subject to Modules II+IV, II+V, or II+VII procedures, not only the products shall be type-tested in advance (Module II) by the BSMI or BSMI-designated testing laboratories, but the quality management systems of the production premises must be in conformity with Module IV (Full Quality Management System), Module V (Production Quality Management System) or Module VII (Factory Inspection).

For Module IV and Module V, a registration certificate in accordance with the CNS 12681 (ISO 9001) series of standards is required to be obtained from the certification bodies recognized by the BSMI. As for Module VII, a factory inspection report issued by the BSMI or BSMI-recognized factory inspection bodies is needed. In addition, a declaration of conformity-to-type is also required to ensure that the mass-produced commodities are in conformity with that shown in the type-test report for all the above three IV, V, VII modules.

After being certified and registered by the BSMI, products will be allowed to use the Commodity Inspection Mark with the letter ‘R’ and the identification number given by the BSMI. Additionally, these products can clear customs directly without any further inspection if not being sampled by RPC border check procedures. And the RPC certificate is valid for 3 years. 

2. Type-approved Batch Inspection (TABI) Scheme

Under this procedure, manufacturers or importers shall have their products type-tested by the BSMI or the BSMI-designated testing laboratories recognized by the BSMI, and file an application for Type Approval to the BSMI or its branches. After manufacturers or importers obtain a type approval certificate, they are required to file an application for batch inspection to the BSMI each time before their products are released from the production premises or arrive at the port of entry. The BSMI will then review the application and the related documents while additional samples may be
required for further testing if it is deemed necessary.

After the products have passed the inspection, they will be allowed to use the Commodity Inspection Mark with the letter ‘T’ and the identification number given by the BSMI. A Type Approval certificate is valid for 3 years. 

More detailed information, please contact via email: info@dtnc.vn or hotline: 0862.619.168

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