What is the IECEE CB Scheme?
- CB Scheme operated by IECEE is a test report and certificate that deals with the safety of electrical/electronic components, devices and products. It is an international system for mutual recognition.
 - The "CB" in CB Scheme stands for Certification Body. The official name of the CB Scheme is actually the "Scheme of the IECEE for Mutual Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrical Equipment."

Dt&C Vina is the first and only testing institude in Vietnam and provides CB certification testing services for home appliances and lighting products.
The IECEE CB Scheme promotes harmonization of national and international standards and is a global certification scheme. It is a multilateral agreement between participating countries and certification bodies that aims to facilitate trade by facilitating cooperation between countries.

CB Test report/Certificate according to IECEE CB Scheme is a system that recognizes the test results without retesting in acquiring the national certification of IECEE member countries. By submitting the CB test report/certificate to the relevant national certification body, the cost and time can be significantly reduced.

Currently, the scope of IECEE CBTL authorization obtained by Dt&C Vina laboratory is reflected in standards related to a wide range of products such as:

Household appliances:

  • IEC 60335-2-9: Grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances
  • IEC 60335-2-14: Kitchen machines (Food mixers, blenders, centrifugal juicers,...)
  • IEC 60335-2-15: Appliances for heating liquids (Rice cookers, slow cookers, pressure cookers,...)
  • IEC 60335-2-21: Storage water heaters
  • IEC 60335-2-23: Appliances for skin or hair care (Hair dryers, curling irons, hand dryers,...)
  • IEC 60335-2-65: Air-cleaning appliances
  • IEC 60335-2-80: Electric fans

Lighting Equipments:

  • IEC 60598-2-1: Fixed general purpose luminaires
  • IEC 60598-2-2: Recessed luminaires
  • IEC 60598-2-3: Luminaires for road and street lighting
  • IEC 60598-2-4: Portable general purpose luminaires
  • IEC 62560: Self-ballasted LED-lamps
  • IEC 62776: Double-capped LED lamps intended for replacing fluorescent lamps with the same caps

The CB Scheme can help you save money, save time, obtain certifications more quickly, and reduce the number of test samples needed. When a manufacturer applies to NCB for national certification based on its previously obtained CB Test Certificate, the NCB will normally grant its certification with minimal, if any, re-testing provided that the results of the NCB's examination of the product, the CB Test Certificate, and the CB Test Report are favorable. In addition, NCBs are encouraged to handle applications for certification based on CB Test Certificates on a priority basis. As a result, CB certification can significantly reduce testing and evaluation costs and lead times compared to obtaining related national certifications in the usual way, and the manufacturer's efforts to support the project and time can be minimized.

Dt&C Vina Laboratory as accredited by IECEE CBTL and other accreditations, as well as with many years of rich testing experience in the fields of lighting products, wireless communication products, products electrical products,... we are confident we can provide you with complete, reliable and timely initial structural inspection assessments, to ensure that your product can meet the standard requirements of each item such as electrical structure, mechanical structure... right in the time of product research and development, and at the same time quickly obtain certifications of different countries to support Your products are easily exported to North America, European Union, Australia, Japan, Korea and many other countries.

Through the CB Scheme, we can help you gain access to the global markets you desire.

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