[GMA News] The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the enhancement and regulation of radio management in the 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz frequency bands

As of October 15, 2023, all new applications for radio transmission equipment type approval (China SRRC) must be certified according to the new Regulation No. 129 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.

In order to maintain the order of radio waves and promote the development of the radio industry, issues related to radio frequency management have been reported according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on radio management and Regulations on Radio Frequency Allocation, specifically as follows:

1. The bands 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz are assigned to one or more radio services such as fixed, mobile, radio-location, fixed-satellite earth exploration-satellite, radio determination satellite transmission, space research.. The bands 2400MHz and 5800MHz are also allocated, designated to generate radio frequency energy Non-radio equipment emits radio waves as industrial applications industrial, scientific and medical (ISM), any station (station) or radio equipment may not exclusively or exclusively use frequencies in the 2400 MHz, 5100 MHz and 5800 MHz bands.

2. According to the respective fixed or mobile service radio frequency division, the 2400 MHz band can be used for broadband wireless access (including wireless local area network), Bluetooth, transmission point-to-point and other radio communication systems; The 5100MHz frequency band can be used for broadband wireless access (including wireless local area networks), etc. Wireless communication systems and are limited to indoor use (not included in the car); The 5800MHz frequency band can be used for radio communication systems such as broadband wireless access (including wireless local area networks), point-to-point transmission and non-stop electronic charging.

3. Radio frequency components and antennas of radio transmission equipment operating in the frequency bands 2400 MHz, 5100 MHz and 5800 MHz must be designed, manufactured according to an integrated or contracted process, do not arbitrarily use other antennas or additional radio frequency power amplifiers; transmission equipment must comply with the technical requirements listed in the appendix (see Appendix 1 and Appendix 2) and must have a certificate of approval of the type of radio transmission equipment in accordance with the law. (except for short-distance radio transmission equipment).

4. To achieve compatibility and coexistence with other service frequencies such as radio positioning, radio transmission equipment operating in the 5250-5350 MHz frequency band must adopt power control technology. transmission (TPC) and dynamic frequency selection noise reduction (DFS) technology, and will not set the DFS option off. TPC range should not be less than 6dB; If the TPC function is not available, the equivalent isotropic radiated power limit and equivalent isotropic radiated power spectral density limit shall be 3dB lower than the corresponding limits listed in the annex.

To achieve compatible coexistence of different radio service frequencies, radio transmission equipment operating in the 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz frequency bands must meet one of the interference avoidance specifications listed in Appendix 2.

Wireless LAN devices with public network IP address allocation must support the IPv6 protocol and enable IPv6 address allocation by default. For wireless LAN equipment with special requirements for domestic information security, the radio interface access control security capability must also meet the GB national wireless LAN security chain standards 15629.

5. Set up and use wireless local area network access points (APs), central stations of broadband wireless access systems, and point-to-point wireless transmission stations that simultaneously satisfy the following conditions: must report to the radio management agency of the province, autonomous region, city directly under the Central Government where the head office is located. Application for a radio station license:

(1) Deployed in outdoor environment;

(2) The equivalent isotropic radiated power of radio transmission equipment operating in the 2400MHz frequency band is more than 20dBm; The equivalent isotropic radiated power of radio transmission equipment operating in the 5800MHz frequency band is greater than 30dBm.

In addition to meeting the above conditions, the establishment and use of other radio transmission equipment and radio stations (stations) in the frequency bands 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz shall refer to the management of the equipment. terrestrial public mobile communications terminal and does not require a radio license.

6. The radio administration authorities of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall actively promote the online processing of relevant radio licenses and other matters, while improving the convenience of government services.

7. Stations (stations) establishing and using the band 5100MHz must be far away from earth stations of the satellite-determination radio service (space to earth) and fixed satellites (space to earth) over 3km. Enterprises are legally used in the same band and related earth satellite stations must be placed in the establishment of clear signs at road intersections within 3km, prohibiting the establishment and use radio stations (stations) in the band 5100 MHz.

8. Stations operating in the 2400MHz, 5100MHz, 5800MHz frequency bands with a lawful license to operate radio stations but are subject to harmful interference must report to the local station management agency according to the regulations "out of the frequency band into the interior" frequency band and secondary business to primary business", use later, use first, unplanned" to deal with.

9. Stations (stations) that do not need to apply for a station license in the frequency bands 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz, in principle, cannot claim protection from harmful interference, such as legally owned radio stations. other in the same or neighboring frequency band If a licensed radio station (station) generates harmful interference, use should be discontinued immediately and continued use after attempts have been made to remove harmful interference.

Radio communication services operating in the 2400 MHz and 5800 MHz bands are also subject to interference from ISM applications.

10. When having important national tasks or when the country performs radio administration, the installation and use of radio stations (stations), radio transmitting equipment and broadcasting non-radio equipment Radio in the 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz bands must comply with regulations issued during major national missions. Regulations governing radio, or comply with radio control orders and radio control instructions issued by the country.

11. Small-capacity short-distance radio transmission equipment in the 2400MHz and 5800MHz frequency bands shall comply with relevant regulations in Notice No. 52 of 2019 of the Ministry of Industry and Information.

12. The establishment and use of radio stations (stations) and radio transmission equipment in the frequency bands 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz must also comply with relevant regulations of other regulatory agencies.

13. From October 15, 2023, the registration and approval of the type of radio transmission equipment must be carried out according to the technical requirements stated in this notice.

14. The relevant requirements of this notice will become effective January 1, 2022. If the previous relevant provisions are inconsistent with this notice, this notice shall prevail.


Details of Regulation 129 can be found at the link: https://www.miit.gov.cn/zwgk/zcwj/wjfb/tz/art/2021/art_e4ae71252eab42928daf0ea620976e4e.html 


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