[GMA News] China issues new regulations for wireless devices

Recently, the Radio Administration of China proposed some new regulations for wireless network equipment. Specific content as follows:

SRRC Launches Public Consultation On IPv6 Protocol Capability Testing For Wireless LAN Devices

On May 26, 2023, the Radio Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China issued the "Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Matters Relating to the Testing of the Ability of Wireless LAN Devices to Support IPv6 Protocol in Type Approval (Draft for Public Comments).

The main points are as follows:

  1. The production or import of wireless LAN equipment with IPv6 address allocation function sold and used in China shall apply to the state radio administration agency and obtain the type approval certificate in accordance with the relevant provisions. The equipment shall comply with the "Notice on Strengthening and Standardization of Radio Management in the 2400 MHz, 5100 MHz and 5800 MHz Frequency Bands" and other relevant provisions of radio management requirements.
  2. IPv6 wireless LAN equipment shall support and enable IPv6 address allocation function by default and specify IPv6 configuration in the product manual; whether IPv6 address allocation function is enabled or not shall be determined by users.
  3. Basic telecom operators shall support and encourage users to access the Internet through IPv6 wireless LAN devices, while existing IPv4 wireless LAN devices can still access the Internet normally.
  4. Starting from October 15, 2023, the application for type approval shall be executed in accordance with the technical requirements and test methods listed in this notice.

All parties concern can submit comments and suggestions before June 26, 2023. 

SRRC Publishes Interim Regulation On Radio Management Of Wireless Charging (Power Transmission) Equipment. 

On May 30, 2023, the Radio Administration Bureau (SRRC) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China published “Interim Regulation on Radio Management of Wireless Charging (Power Transmission) Equipment”.
According to the regulation, the production or import of wireless charging equipment sold or used in China doesn’t need to apply for radio frequency use license, radio station license and radio transmitting equipment type approval, but shall comply with laws and regulations, national standards such as product quality, electromagnetic radiation and electrical safety, national standards, and relevant national radio management regulations.
Above regulation which will be implemented from September 1, 2024.

Some related information, please refer here: https://dtnc.vn/tin-tuc-gma-bo-cong-nghiep-va-cong-nghe-thong-tin-thong-bao-ve-viec-tang-cuong-va-dieu-tiet-quan-ly-vo-tuyen-dien-tai-cac-dai-tan-2400mhz-5100mhz-va-5800mhz

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