[GMA News] China issues new standard GB/T 31486 and Resolution TC11-2022-01 on the Implementation of GB Updates in the Automotive

On April 26, 2023, NCTAS issued the new GB/T 31486 Standard “Electrical Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Powering Electric Vehicles”

On January 16, 2023, CNCA issued Resolution TC11-2022-01 which aims to simplify their implementation and coordination for manufacturing companies.

New standard GB/T 31486

The NCTAS (National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization) has released the new GB/T Standard GB/T 31486  “Electrical performance requirements and test methods for power supply for electric vehicles” for the consultation phase. The standards GB/T 31486 is a mandatory standard for the traction battery testing. Parts and components from the field of electromobility partly require CCC certification.

Published on April 26, 2023, the standard is in the consultation phase until June 25, 2023. As part of this, the authority is asking that the public and all relevant bodies and experts, provide the responsible body with valuable information comments and insights regarding the revised standard. In this way, the Electric Vehicle Department, which is subordinate to the Automotive Standardization Technical Committee and aims to ensure safety of electronic vehicles and improve the standard.

It is highly recommended for manufacturers of cells, modules, packs and battery system to observe the standard before its final implementation since in many cases the authorities are requesting that already approved vehicles and their components need to undergo re-tested according to the newly implemented standard.

The electric vehicle market in China is one of the most important and fastest growing in the world. As the topic of electric mobility in China continues to grow in importance, it is therefore crucial that good regulations are established. Many parts and components in the field of electric mobility require CCC certification.

Resolution TC11-2022-01 on the Implementation of GB Updates

The years 2019 to 2022 were characterized by many regulatory updates in the automotive sector in China. For eleven of these standards a new resolution, TC11-2022-01, was published on Jan. 16, 2023 and aims to simplify their implementation and coordination for manufacturing companies. Many products in the automotive industry (for example complete vehicles and numerous components) require a CCC certification, a voluntary CQC certification or a voluntary CCAP certification for China.

The new resolution was published by the technical expert group TC11 of the Certification Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA). It mainly deals with deadlines for the implementation of the new standards, as well as the possible consecutive issuance of new certificates. In this context, the resolution distinguishes between products to be newly certified, and products already certified according to the old standard.

New certificates generally must be issued within one year for products whose existing certification needs to be adapted. This also includes any new test scopes that may need to be assessed and perhaps implemented. If, on the other hand, a specific deadline for the certification update is specified in the applicable new standard, it will always take precedence over the one-year deadline.

The eleven standards covered by resolution TC11-2022-01 include among others:

– GB/T 19754-2021: Energy consumption of heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles

– GB/T 27840-2021: Fuel consumption of heavy commercial vehicles

– GB/T 19056-2021: Car drive recorders

– GB/T 6068-2021: Truck cranes and tire cranes

– GB 16897-2022: Brake hoses

All updates are of great relevance for not only for the manufacturers of certified products, but also their suppliers and their customers.

The Chinese GB Standards and Implementation Rules are regularly revised by the authorities, often having considerable implications for the corresponding product manufacturers. Updates are usually not announced and must be independently tracked and implemented by certified factories. Failure to do so may result in severe consequences, including cancellation of certification.

For more information please contact Dt&C Vina via email: info@dtnc.vn or hotline: 0862.619.168


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